Sunday, March 29, 2009

Catalysis of work efficiency

My present work efficiency plot looks somewhat similar to an enzyme catalysis free energy plot although with a few modifications.


Note: 1. Effort required is in arbitrary units 2. * Significant difference as assessed by the Students T-test

A friend of mine mentioned that this phenomenon, apparently called ‘laziness’ is common in the season change between winter and spring. I’ve also been noticing an increase in my appetite of late. Maybe its like a bear coming out of hibernation. Still groggy and extremely hungry all the time.


  1. 1. Highly confusing graph.
    2. You seem to have way too much time.
    3. You have a good excuse on the winter-spring.

    Finally, you are a good graduate student! :-D

  2. The effort I required to understand this graph was probably the highest. I subscribed to the thought that laziness is rampant in this season and decided I was too lazy to understand the graph. Ergo, 1) I don't have to understand the graph, and 2) I can be lazy and think its normal.

  3. @Vignesh

    The nature of the graph is to make you spend time to understand it thereby making a lazy grad feel like he/she is not wasting time.

    And yes, while I do have too much time, its not time that I'm supposed to have, just time that I choose to have :P

    Yes, it took me a while to make the graph with three parameters. Was initially supposed to be a two paramter thing when I realised I couldnt do it that way. But being a grad student, you must realise that this is the first step to writing a research article. Data that nobody understands :P

  4. i can c u r findin loads of reasons fr ur laziness !! n extremely complicated graph !! requires more explanation !!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Please while you have the time, also assess mathematically the factors that relate efficiency with effort required. An empirical formula will do.
    Also, please update this data every year for a clearer assessment of progress in your PhD.
    Your grant-reviewer.

  7. There's been a mistake!!

    You've "ALWAYS" had a great appetite. Do not blame the weather for that. ;)

  8. Laziness during winter? Acceptable..
    increase in 'your' appetite 'OF LATE'? no way!!!!!

  9. Hey, it seems you have acquired "Severe Joblessness Disorder". It's nothing unusual for the "Laz mutants" in their 1st yrs in Grad Conc. Camps but your case seems serious. Take care buddy :)

  10. suggested title

    Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.... :)
