Thursday, July 24, 2008

Drifting to newer shores

Im halfway there.
To where everybody goes.
People with a million dreams and zero dollars
and people with a million dollars and zero dreams.
To the land of the Big Apple, a Big Mac and a Supersized Coke.

Every man has his own perceptions of it. I would hate to be prejudiced but I'm afraid I already am. Caught inbetween a slew of thoughts, torn between the thoughts of being a global citizen and love for the motherland. I wonder where my heart really is. Is it wiser to make a living doing what you love? Or love what you do for a living? Ah, that eternal question.

But right now, im loving the travel. Feeling great about making new acquaintances and renewing old ones. Feeling good about getting to see the rest of the world. Atleast for that, I'm sure, I will love this opportunity to go to the US.

Time brings maturity they say. I sure hope it will!!

Bath, United Kingdom.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Heights of Procrastination

This has got to be the heights. Feeling I was procrastinating too much, I bought this book called 'Eat that Frog!' a couple of months ago. I havent gone past the first page till today.

I cant believe I actually updated my blog! Yay.

Whats on my mind: Aristotle had such an amazing brain.
Whats on my desk: Scott Gilbert, Developmental Biology, Eighth Edition.